Guidance for Riders

Make 2021 your best year ever

In this video, we are sharing tips and guidance on how to make 2021 your best cycling year ever.

If you've got a big event planned, looking to get fitter or just starting out on the bike, we'll share how to hit your goals.

Click on the picture to watch the video.

Learn to Love the Indoor Trainer

Many people avoid the indoor trainer or don't use it as much as they could because they don't enjoy the experience.

However, with a different mindset and some easy to use tips and techniques, you can learn to love the indoor trainer.

It's a highly effective way to build fitness and lose weight especially when the weather outside is not great for cycling.

Click on the picture to watch the video.

Here's a more intense session to do each week 

Doing both sessions each week with a good recovery between as well as longer ride, will boost your overall fitness on the bike quickly.


5 minutes easy spinning

10 minutes progressive warm up - gradually build up the intensity to make the last minute feel very hard but not flat out.

5 minutes easy spinning


Then get into the pyramid efforts as follows

1 minute hard

2 minutes easy

2 minutes hard

2 minutes easy

3 minutes hard

3 minutes easy

2minutes hard

2 minutes easy

1 minute hard

1 minute easy


Do the hard sessions at RPE 8 (see the attached chart for the RPE description plus HR/power equivalents).


Fitter riders do 10 minutes easy, then repeat the pyramid. Newer riders, just do one.

Finish with 10 minutes easy spinning.


Over the next three weeks add 1 more minute each week to the start and finish of the pyramid so by week four you're doing 4 x 1 minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes, 2 minutes, 4 x 1 minute.

Here's a training session for more experienced riders to build on over a few weeks

5 minutes easy spinning

10 minutes progressive warm up - gradually build up the intensity to make the last minute feel very hard but not flat out.

5 minutes easy spinning

20 minutes steady effort - where you can just about hold a conversation or upper zone 2 power/heart rate if you use these.

10 minutes easy spinning

10 minutes tempo effort - where you can only speak in short bursts or mid zone 3 power/heart rate if you use these.

10 minutes cool down.


Over four weeks, extend the steady and tempo efforts by 5 minutes each per week. This will help build your core fitness and endurance and set you up for great things in 2021.

6 steps to become a fitter, healthier and more confident cyclist

In our 6 steps to become a fitter, healthier and more confident rider session yesterday (click on the picture to watch the video), we discussed the importance of structure.

Getting Fitter and Stronger on the Bike

Tips and guidance on how to improve your fitness for starters, more experienced and those wanting to complete events and challenges.  


Find advice on eating well and fuelling your ride plus recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner. 


Build your confidence on the Bike

Becoming more skilful and confident on the bike will make your rides safer and more enjoyable.  We share tips and exercises to build your confidence.


Wellbeing and Motivation 

Find out how to look after your wellbeing and stay motivated when your enthusiasm wanes. COMING SOON.


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Our group share inspiring stories about why they cycle, upload amazing rides and support each other to love life through riding their bikes.

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